The Above Ground Pool Company

The Above Ground Pool Company

When spring comes and you are excited about opening your pool you also dread what could possibly be under the cover.

If you have a winter cover on your pool you are pretty sure there isn’t much under the cover but water.

With regular winter covers so many times leaves and small debris will get under the cover. Or if you are not careful debris will spill into the pool when the cover is removed. There are several ways to remove the leaves and small debris items. If there’s not much at the bottom then the easiest way is to use your telescopic pool and a leaf net. For more debris you can use a deep leaf net which can pick up quite a large amount. It could be a little hard on the arms and back pulling it out of the water but you will get much more in one scoop.

The best way is to use the Leaf Bagger. It is round and has a ring brush on the bottom with a mesh bag at the top. You attach a garden hose to it along with your telescopic pole and move it along the bottom of the pool. All the debris is collected into the mesh bag. You simply bring it up when it is full and empty it. This really saves a lot of time and the debris does not go into your filter so you don’t have to worry about backwashing your filter when you finish.