Backyard pools are so much fun and relaxing for families and friends. Many hours are spent splashing, playing, diving, lazing on an air mattress catching glorious rays with a refreshing drink in hand and even just congregating around the pool to socialize and enjoy the view of the water. Your backyard pool is fantastic when it comes to relaxing, socializing and enjoying. Now I know that you don’t want to think of your pool as a place of work, but did you remember that daily workouts can be done in your swimming pool too? The pool is a great place to fit in your daily exercise plan right in your own yard, in your own pool and in the comforts of your home.

Swimming workouts are beneficial to your health in many ways. Swimming is a fantastic way to increase your cardiovascular health. Vigorous swimming can increase your heart rate causing you to get a comfortable aerobic workout into your day. It doesn’t even take long! Twenty minutes is all it takes to have a healthy lifestyle! Vigorous swimming is even comparable to running as your have to use your entire body to swim. The water around you also provides a decent amount of resistance to your legs and arms giving you the opportunity to increase your muscle strength as well without the use of weights and heavy equipment. Water is much more gentle when it comes to increasing muscle strength, especially if you struggle with arthritis or osteoporosis within your body. Water provides enough resistance to gain the muscle strength you need if you are looking for a gentle way of “lifting weights”. You also use muscles while swimming that you would not normally use otherwise. Let’s not forget that swimming is a fantastic stress reliever. The water encompassing your body feels amazing, refreshing and invigorating!