Many people find that recreational swimming helps ease back pain, and there is research to back that up. But some strokes may be better than others. An advantage to exercising in a pool is that the buoyancy of the water takes stress off the joints. At the same time, swimming and other aquatic exercises can  Read More

Above ground pools now represent over 50% of all the swimming pools in the United States. Over the last several years the above ground swimming pool has been rapidly outselling the ‘in-ground’ alternative and this trend shows no signs of slowing. The sharp increase in sales is widely attributed to the widening gap in price  Read More

Swimming offers something no other aerobic exercise does: the ability to work your body without harsh impact to your skeletal system. When the human body is submerged in water, it automatically becomes lighter. When immersed to the waist, your body bears just 50 percent of its weight; dunk yourself to the chest and that number  Read More

The idea of teaching kids to swim was (I thought) an asset to only those families who owned a swimming pool. But, after researching articles and statistics for our National Water Safety Month this past May, I have learned an invaluable lesson–EVERY child should learn to swim. Water is everywhere–lakes, ponds, canals, beaches, swimming pools–and  Read More

Marine biologists recently unlocked the mystery to their speed: The stream of bubbles left in a penguin’s wake as it jet through the water is the key to its speed. Penguins can decrease the water resistance surrounding them with their coat of feathers. Birds can hold air in their feathers, but penguins specifically can trap  Read More