We have learned much about the value of brief exposures of the body to cold water. The ancient Greeks were aware of the healing properties of a cold water treatment. The Spartans, for whom health was very important, regularly dipped in icy water for vigour and improved health. Two millennia ago in Scandinavia, it became common for people to jump into cold water after sweating in saunas. Now it is becoming better known that cold water therapy in above ground pools can help for such things as rheumatoid arthritis pain relief.
When the body is given brief (five to ten minute) exposures to cold water, the blood vessels near the skin contract to send blood towards the core of the body to conserve body heat as a survival mechanism. In many people, the capillaries deep inside the body are not functioning well because of poor circulation and an unhealthy lifestyle. This exposure to cold has the effect of causing regeneration of these capillaries. This greater capillary circulation increases health by improving blood supply to internal organs. Tempering the body with cold water therapy increases the rate of metabolism. It helps to purge free radicals, heavy metals and a variety of toxins. It also dramatically strengthens immunity. These are good uses for your above ground pool during our Texas winter.