Cold Water DepthsModern science and numerous case histories support cold water therapy’s benefits for numerous health conditions, including frequent colds, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Cold water therapy can boost immune function, decrease inflammation and pain, and increase blood flow and metabolism. Researchers say it even shows promise for those with chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic heart failure, and some (non-lymphoid) types of cancers.
When practiced for at least 4 weeks, cold-water showers have been shown to:
• Increase metabolism. The effects of exposure to cold on metabolism are well documented.
• Enhance immunity. Cold water stimulates the release of substances vital to immune function, such as cytokines.
• Stabilize blood pressure and other bodily functions. Cold water triggers the autonomic nervous system in beneficial ways. The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary functions such as heartbeat and breathing. This system responds to cold water by raising blood pressure, increasing heart rate, and constricting blood vessels — responses that strengthen with each cold exposure. Eventually, this process can stabilize blood pressure, improve circulation, and balance the sleep/wake cycle.
• In a recent German study, breast cancer patients who underwent 4 weeks of cold-water therapy showed significant gains in disease-fighting white blood cells.
• Reduce pain. Cold water causes the body to release endorphins (hormones with proven pain-fighting capacities).
• Improve mood. Not only does cold water stimulate the release of mood-boosting endorphins, it also activates sensory nerves leading to the brain. The result can be very uplifting, and can even prepare you emotionally to experience new challenges.
Many health problems are reduced or even eliminated over time through this simple home therapy.