A8D_3_ptThe American Cancer Society notes that hydrotherapy improves relaxation and gives relief from many physical ailments. One of the biggest advantages to owning a Bullfrog spa is the ability to soak in a completely temperature regulated bath of warm water to get rid of daily stress. Stress is a leading contributor to many serious illnesses, and soaking just a few minutes a day in a soothing hot tub is proven through many studies to relieve that stress.

Using hot water to soothe aches, pains and illness is not a new concept. It has been around since the Egyptians used hydrotherapy in 2,000 B.C for relaxation by adding heated stone to a water tub. In ancient Greece the concept of hot water therapy reached even further status and elaborate buildings were constructed to house natural hot springs for therapy. Hippocrates himself used hot water therapy to treat a wide variety of conditions.