You choose activities for different reasons: health, physical needs, and weight loss often play a part. No matter what your preferences are, there is an umbrella of exercise types known as low impact that can be recommended to everybody. Low-impact forms of activity are safer on your joints while providing the right amount of challenge to still get your heart racing. This type of exercises can even prevent you from injury while recovering your body from a pre-existing one. Try this low-impact activity.
Swimming: While swimming can be recommended to just about everyone, the benefits will mimic your technique. A slow, steady swim is equivalent to that of a slow walk, according to Tay Stratton, head swim coach at Little Rock Athletic Club. Stratton recommends high-paced laps for weight loss and swears by the resistance water can provide to tone you all over. “Because water affords 12 times the resistance as air in every direction, it really helps to build strength,” she says. To work every major muscle group in unison, swimming is the key. A swim spa from the Above Ground Pool & Spa Company could be the solution. Come by the San Antonio showroom and try out our swim machine!