v. swam (swm), swum (swm), swim·ming, swims
1. To move through water by means of the limbs, fins, or tail.
2. To move as though gliding through water.
3. To float on water or another liquid.
a. To be covered or flooded with or as if with a liquid: chicken swimming in gravy.
b. To possess a superfluity; abound: After winning the lottery, she was swimming in money.
5. To experience a floating or giddy sensation; be dizzy: “his brain still swimming with the effects of the last night’s champagne” (Robert Smith Surtees).
6. To appear to spin or reel lazily: The room swam before my eyes.
1. To move through or across (a body of water) by swimming: She swam the channel.
2. To execute (a particular stroke) in swimming.
3. To cause to swim or float.