Do you want to take up swimming but do not know how to get your feet wet? First, if
you have any existing injury or asthma, consult your doctor to determine if you should swim and at
what pace. Start slowly, especially if the pool feels like foreign land. Experts recommend that beginner
swimmers start with 12-20 minutes of swimming, and once your strokes become more efficient, your
ability to swim longer will also improve. For exercise purposes, the best stroke to use in the pool is
freestyle, where your arms are moving in a windmill motion while your body is pivoting and you are
breathing on the side of the arm that is out of the water.

To keep your swimming routine fresh, mix up the freestyle stroke with other strokes, such as the
backstroke or butterfly. Not only will using a variety of strokes save you from boredom, but you will be
working different muscles for a more effective workout every time.If laps are not your thing, there are
plenty of other good swimming exercises. Try walking or running in water, which many people find
easier to do than on land. Treading water can be exhausting but will help tone your legs and arms. You
can also try water aerobic exercises or gather your friends and attempt some synchronized swimming.
Revert back to your childhood with a game of Shark or some relay races. The Above Ground Pool & Spa Company.