So it’s too hot to walk or run outside, you say? Don’t feel like riding a bike or playing tennis in the brutal heat? Do you want to enjoy your outdoor summer exercise without that sweaty, sticky feeling?
How about hopping in the pool to do your workout? The pool just might be the only place where you can do cardiovascular work, toning and stretching without even feeling like you’ve broken a sweat!
Swimming laps is one of the best things you can do to strengthen your heart and lungs. If you’re a decent swimmer and enjoy lap swims, spend a few minutes a day at it to warm up for toning and stretching.
Otherwise, walking or running in the pool is just as effective. It may sound easy, but just try it! If you go in up to your shoulders and run, you’ll get your heart rate up with no problem. It may be very difficult to sustain at first, but try to build up your time to at least twenty minutes. One very important thing to remember is to keep your feet as fully planted as possible while you do your pool exercises, especially when walking and running. If you tiptoe (which people tend to do without realizing it), your calves will be killing you the next day. Keep those heels down!