With a high quality Garden Leisure or Vogue above ground swimming pool, you can always have a family vacation in your own backyard. Above-ground pools offer a great value in family entertainment.
For less than the cost of a two week vacation, a backyard pool can provide years and years of fun and togetherness. AGP Company is proud to carry two of the finest brands of above-ground swimming pools available, Garden Leisure and Vogue Pools.
The Above Ground Pool & Spa Company is proud to offer a wide range of costs, models, sizes and options to choose from so you can have the pool that best fits you and your yard. Made of premium galvanized and corrugated steel walls, and a sophisticated system of coatings to protect against the effects of corrosion, UV exposure, salt water chlorination systems and every day wear and tear, Garden Leisure and Vogue pools are built to last. With warranties ranging from 20 to 40 years, you can be assured that your pool will withstand the test of time.